All the girls on the trip.
An early wake up was not welcome this morning. It will take a while to get used to the 4:15 prayer drums at the local mosque. Thankfully we had turned the hot water heater for warm showers. We travelled to Moshi University and it was very interesting to see. This is their Dean of Students:
They have about 1500 students and a variety of MBA programs. Their housing is unusual with laundry hanging out on the trees. The campus is much like UGA, it centers around the soccer stadium, the only one in the town.
The ususal pic with Chad...we're at 3 continents together now.
These ladies are amazing...they carry everything on their heads...Wow!

This afternoon we drove out to the foothills of kilimanjaro and walked around some beautiful waterfalls. It is so counterintitive to have a rainforest in the middle of Africa, but it was nice to get out of the sun and be in cooler air.
Connor and I took our engagement pics...haha...The water was beautiful and the mist felt great. We stopped on the way back and picked up bananas from local vendors and some grilled corn too. It was wierd b/c it was like popcorn that was still on the cob.
When we got back to the hotel, we took a long Swahili lesson with Mama Moshi, but now at least I know the basic greetings and questions for communication. We are now off to dinner and to watch hotel Rawanda. Until Tomorrow. I miss you all!

Just checked the Blackberry...Diamond Dawgs are SEC champs in a 12-10 over Vandy. Wow what a year for the Dawgs SEC titles in baseball, basketball, gymnastics, mens and women's tennis, golf...man they're good. Congrats guys you deserve it. i'm excited about hosting a regional and maybe a super regional. Thanks to all of my ESPN contacts that send me constant updates and play by plays.

After the unviersity we stopped by the police station to meet the chief of police. We thanked him for our armed guard and motorcade that protects us everywhere we go. He looks just like Grandad with black skin and it was hard not to run and give him a hug.

When we got back to the hotel, we jumped into our awesome one piece bathing suits (love Islamic culture) and dipped in the pool and caught some rays and a nice lunch. (Some of us changed)

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