Multiple plane rides and alot of time changes will really mess you body up.We gathered our group of 27 together in ATL and set off for Amsterdam. 3 movies, 2 episodes of the Office and 9 sudoku puzzles (9hours) later, we touched down in the Netherlands. Local time:8am, but our bodies thought it was 2am. Breakfast of champions, Sbarro pizza, and 2 hours of making American noise in the food court left us with just a short stint before boarding our second plane. I'm lucky enough to be travelling with technologically savvy peers that have Blackberrys so I was able to get updates via Gmail. I heard about the Dawgs loss to Vandy and checked notes from friends. A little touch of home was perfectly timed to energize me for the second leg of our journey. I was blessed with middles seats in our 3-4-3 planes on both 9 hour flights. But I practically died on the flight to Kilimanjaro since my body had been awake for almost 24 hours. I tried not to lean too much on the poor ladies beside me.

KLM was a wonderful airline for hosiptality, not so much on the food. But it is just preparing me for the African diet. We touched down in Kilimanjaro at 8pm, went through customs, and loaded up on a bus for an hour's ride to our hotel. When ya'll think I'm roughing it in Africa, you're wrong. This place is gorgeous and so well kept. the Masai boys wilingly ported our bags to our rooms. We each have our own bed with mosqito net. Now for the other amenities: pool,

workout room, massage therapist, manicure and pedicure station, 2 hours of free internet, UGA does it right. No air conditioning will take a day or two to get used to, so will the overwhelming attention from all the locals. Blonde hair and white skin is not a common sight here. Luckily the reception is different from South America, where they just try to hit on you, these people are just curious about my differences.

The guards along the walls have already grown fod of Many and me for obvious Aryan reasons and they helped teach us some Swahili already. Now it is time for bed and my body hates me because it is 4 pm at home and I'm not tired. The Diamond Dawgs just took the field in Nashville and my whole family is at Steeplechase. I'm jealous right now but once I see Africa witht the sun up, nothing will compare. Til Tomorrow
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